Friday 14 August 2020

Is Johnson all there?

I am beginning to wonder if Boris Johnson is "all there" as we used to say. He is reported to have said yesterday there will be a border down the Irish sea "over his dead body" as if he either doesn't understand what he has signed up to or is contemplating suicide in the next few months. Hundreds and possibly even thousands of civil servants and contractors (and even Michael Gove) are at this very moment working towards creating a border down the Irish sea.

His comments are reported in the local media with a sense of incredulity.

It's hard to know what is happening inside the prime minister's mind. Does he genuinely not realise what he's saying?  Or does nobody bother to tell him? 

Even by his standards it is stunning.  How long does he think he can keep up the pretence?  What is going to happen when he finds out there will be a border down the Irish sea?  For Heaven's sake only last Friday the government published a policy paper setting out in a bit more detail how the "border" will operate.  One can only despair at the sheer in competence of it all.

With the A level results descending into yet another fiasco and 40% of students being downgraded by an algorithm and Education Secretary Gavin Williamson hastily announcing an appeals process a day or so before the results were made public, it all adds to the sense of a government without leadership and drifting from one crisis to the next.

I suspect a lot of the problems are caused by Cummings who is widely seen as the "mastermind" behind it all but is in fact just a control freak who insists on doing everything himself so decisions are slow to be taken and then made by him on the basis of little knowledge or experience. It also seems he is prepared to blame the civil service - as if entering a shire horse in the Grand National and failing is somehow the horse's fault and not the owner, trainer or rider.

Why embark on some massive disruption to the constitution in which you are relying heavily on the civil service if you thought it wasn't fit for purpose? It makes no sense.

I have always thought that Brexit would founder under the details and the sheer weight of contradictions in it and on the Irish border it is fast becoming clear this will be the  next big flash point.  

Brexit would have taxed a competent government and a PM on top of the details but we have a weak cabinet led by an idle, useless fool as we head towards disaster.  It could not be worse.

If at the end of it, in a year or two Britain emerges chastened and with a bit more self awareness of our position in the world we may have cause to be grateful to Farage, Johnson and Brexit. It is not guaranteed and it is going to be extremely costly but it may contain the seeds for future generations to flourish.