Friday 14 April 2017


Charles Moore, former editor and now columnist at The Telegraph is surely one of the most stupid men in England. He was evangelical about Brexit for all sorts of completely spurious reasons and he wrote column after column during the campaign telling us how Brexit would be a great success for the UK. He regularly accuses the BBC of being biased (the irony!) and he had an exchange with Nick Robinson in The Spectator this week (HERE).

Moore says the BBC still features too many remainers, even after the vote. Robinson robustly defends the BBC saying that most economists, business organisations, trade unions and FTSE 100 CEOs were remainers and Moore doesn't dispute it. In other words it was difficult for the BBC to achieve a balance because remainers outnumbered leavers in positions of power (i.e. those who knew what they were talking about as opposed to Duncan Smith, Gove, et al). This says it all for me.

But Moore at one point says this:

"The British people voted for fundamental change. So, as well as perfectly legitimate questions about how bloody difficult [Brexit is] going to be — which it will be — there need to be some programmes that frame the opportunities".

First of all, I don't think the British people voted for fundamental change. I think most leavers like Mr Moore rejected fundamental change and wanted to go back to the 1960s and days of empire. But, more importantly, I do not remember Mr Moore - or indeed any leave campaigner - saying it was going to be "bloody difficult" before the referendum. In fact I genuinely believe he thought it was all going to be very easy having listened to the likes of Bill Cash and John Redwood who have been saying it would all be a doddle for years. In fact a columnist in January this year wrote a piece under the headline "Only those who don't want to leave see Brexit as mind blowingly complicated" (HERE). Charles Moore can't have forgotten it - because it was him!

I wonder if he has considered no one is making programmes that "frame the opportunities" because there aren't any?

It is the dishonesty and lack of any real thinking behind Brexit that really irritates me.