Thursday 13 April 2017


I worry that the rosy future predicted by some after Brexit is a delusion. This is usually because those doing the predicting know little or nothing about the subject they are pontificating on. The latest is a Mr Stephen Welton, CEO of something called the Business Growth Fund. He is writing in The Telegraph and as usual they are grasping at straws and desperate to print anything that seems to show a positive side to Brexit (HERE).

He thinks government intervention can help the regions post Brexit but not in the usual support-the-lame-ducks way as in the past. He writes that he would like to see support for:

"Areas like robotics, life sciences and big data may sound abstract, yet they are already shaping a multitude of sectors. By supporting these technologies, we can cement Britain’s position as a global leader and also give a much needed shot in the arm to our sluggish productivity".

If Mr Welton thinks we are in a globally leading position in robotics that simply needs "cementing" he is so far from the truth that one worries for his sanity. It is complete nonsense. See my earlier post (HERE) that puts his assertion into perspective. I don't know much about Life Sciences myself and he may be right there although I suspect not. Stephen Welton (HERE) is a barrister and a banker. What he knows about industry could be written on the back of a postage stamp - with a paint brush.

This is what is concerning. Anyone with knowledge of the problem knows we're not going to be better off outside the EU. Those without any knowledge whatsoever are the most certain we are. Amazing.