Tuesday 27 June 2017


Dominic Cummings, the so-called "mastermind" behind Brexit, if that isn't a contradiction in terms, has co-written a book called How to lose a referendum, in which he describes Eurosceptic Conservative MPs as "particularly unbalanced" (HERE). Anyone who has read any of Mr Cummings' other work or watched his performance in front of The Treasury Select Committee (HERE) where he ably demonstrates his own ignorance and stupidity will think this is a kettle calling the pot black.

You might also like to see another earlier post about Mr Cummings (HERE) and note that he has been highly critical of David Davis' department DEXEU (HERE) when he tweeted on 13th June 2017:

Top Whitehall officials are screaming that DEXU under Heywood and DD is total shambles & disaster likely: news today just tip of the iceberg

Mr Cummings is just like a lot of the other ardent Brexiteers. They saw Brexit as a bit of a game where all you had to do was persuade a lot of cynical, uninformed people to vote for something that was not in their own best interests. You could do and say whatever you liked to convince people without fear of any comeback. Rather than admit it is all going wrong he seeks to put the blame on DEXEU rather than on himself as the "mastermind" behind the greatest peacetime catastrophe this country has ever suffered. I do not think the people will forgive or forget what he has done.

You can be sure remainers will go through his book and learn all the lessons for the next referendum, which will not be too far away.