Tuesday 27 June 2017


The Conservative party has always been thought of, by itself as much as by the voting public, as the party of business. Its opponents have always used the label as a point of attack while Conservatives wear it as a badge of honour. They like to think themselves as economically competent. Brexit is going to change all of that for the next generation.

As the damage wreaked upon us by Brexit becomes clear (this will happen as surely as night following day) it will reveal a Conservative party that does not understand business at all but in fact represents the views of a variety of xenophobes, racists and parochial throwbacks to a bygone era that only existed in their own jingoistic minds. For a baby boomer like myself this will seem heresy. The Labour party has been far more nuanced and ambiguous about Brexit and will look like they are more business friendly than the Tories.

One can easily see the Labour party becoming the party of government, if only they curb their enthusiasm for internal feuding and loading punitive taxes on us. All they need to do is occupy the centre ground and they will be set fair for several parliaments.