Friday 23 June 2017

THE REFERENDUM ANNIVERSARY - And still no one knows what's happening

Well, here we are a year on from the referendum. We still have little idea of where we're headed. Negotiations are just beginning with the clock having been ticking for nearly three months already. KPMG are saying that British industry is still in denial, citing the lack of clarity as a reason for not taking any action to mitigate Brexit (HERE). A leave voting fruit farmer (HERE) is now regretting his vote as recruitment becomes so difficult his business is suffering.  The BBC report (HERE) that at another fruit farm they only had one British job applicant in five years. Amazing!

It emerged today that Britain lost a UN vote 94 - 15 to Mauritius concerning their claim on The Chagos islands (HERE). The BBC report it as a sign of our diminished status after Brexit because most of our EU partners chose to abstain rather than support us.

A poll in The Sunderland Echo, not a scientific one admittedly, shows that a year on the city has more than reversed it's position (HERE) on Brexit. In the referendum in 2016, they voted to leave by 61% now it is 63% to remain. One wonders what will happen if serious polls begin to show there is widespread discontent with the whole idea of Brexit. Are the government going to continue blithely on or will they finally admit it has all been a terrible mistake?

The economy continues to slowdown and investment is postponed or cut because of the uncertainty surrounding our future relationship with Europe. A senior Tory, presumably not a Brexiteer, has said we are finished (he didn't use the word finished but another one also beginning with f) because we "are tethered to the mast of Brexit and when it goes wrong we're screwed. They all know it. All Labour has to do is hedge their bets. When the public realise they were sold a pup they will turn on the party". It is in this article (HERE) on the Politico website and only confirms what I have thought for some time (HERE).