Thursday 1 June 2017


The popularity of US president Donald Trump, already at record lows for this stage of a presidency, continues to fall. According to reports (HERE) he is said to be isolated and beleaguered. The latest crisis is the unexpected resignation of his communications director. What is notable is the growing silence on the part of Nigel Farage. Having lent his weight to Trump's campaign it would be extraordinary if he wasn't a little nervous at the prospect of impeachment proceedings against the man who he cheered to the rafters.

The failure of Le Pen in France and Wilders in Holland after the right wing presidential candidate was narrowly defeated in Austria seems to be setting a pattern for Farage. If, as seems inevitable in Germany, Mrs Merkel is re-elected in September it will complete an astonishing turn around in Farage's fortunes. The Euro zone is beginning to expand at a faster rate than we can manage and will probably enjoy higher growth this year than the USA.

It is all turning to dust for Nigel. When Brexit turns out to be a disaster it will surely expose him as the biggest fool of our generation. I hope he becomes as reviled in the future as Oswald Moseley was in the 1940s. He deserves nothing less.