Monday 19 June 2017


An almighty row is brewing in the Conservative party as the divisions over Europe once again come centre stage (HERE). Fox, Johnson and I assume IDS (if there is plotting in the Tories he is usually behind it) and others are said to be threatening a stalking horse if Mrs May does not deliver the lunatic hard Brexit they long for. Ranged against them is Phillip Hammond, Damian Green, Amber Rudd and other pro European ministers. The party itself is split, probably with soft Brexiteers in a slight majority.

Fox is said to be threatening resignation unless they get a hard Brexit. Hammond is said to have supported May only on condition they go for a soft Brexit. She is in a terrible position, weak and indecisive, stripped of her two closest advisers and with the DUP still in negotiations to prop up her minority government.

All this is playing out in front of the electorate and with Brexit talks starting today against a background of a slowing economy and with business again pleading with her not to take us out of the single market and customs union. After the referendum last year, Brexiteers had the result with which to batter any opposition but now the recent election has muddied the water. Remainers can now argue that having gone to the country for a hard Brexit mandate, she failed and therefore the nation is in favour of a soft or at least a softer Brexit. It is no longer clear what the people or the government actually want.

To a remainer like me this was all easily anticipated. The referendum campaign was a cacophony of different voices with different aims. Many voters just wanted to give the government a good hiding because of austerity and had no idea what the referendum was about. Now we come to having to make real and specific policy is it any wonder we cannot reach agreement among ourselves what it is we want?