Friday 21 July 2017


The BBC are reporting that the Business Secretary Greg Clark has said we would like to remain in Copernicus (HERE), a project being undertaken with European Space Agency help to make global maps of gases and particles in the atmosphere to track pollution and climate change.

It is hard to keep track of all this stuff. We want to pull out of the EU but opt back in to everything we like in a sort of cherry picking exercise that only high volume fruit farmers normally get involved in. Each week brings something else. If it isn't Horizon 2020, Euratom, the EU Open Skies agreement it's something else involving the European Arrest Warrant or security of some other sort.

I assume that it is partly this wish to continue cooperation in so many areas that Reuters is reporting (HERE) that the government thinks we will need to recreate fewer than ten new regulators but given our penchant for gold plating regulations I would take this with a pinch of salt.