Saturday 22 July 2017


Great article by Matthew Parris in The Spectator (HERE). It sums up the mindset of many leavers, but not I think, unfortunately for them, all leavers. Not everyone is prepared to be poorer in order to get out of the EU. In fact I would go further than Matthew and say many leavers thought they would be better off after Brexit. This looks more of a fantasy every passing day. He does not think parliament will vote for a deal that makes this country less wealthy and I think this is true.

Parris says, "we have to remind ourselves there was never a majority, never will be a majority, and was certainly no majority at the European referendum last year, for impoverishing ourselves in pursuit of national self-respect. You know very well that it was fear of such an eventuality that you needed to dispel during your Leave campaign. Hence that ‘£350 million for the NHS’ you always knew was offside but dared not repudiate. You know you could not have won without such reassurances.

"That reassurance has been shattered. Voters have understood we’ll take a hit. Few now believe we’ll be richer. People are coming to fear we would be poorer. You do surely know this is the way the mood is turning. You know, too, how the same mood is growing within the Lords and Commons. You may think this faintheartedness is misplaced, but you cannot think it is temporary.

"And you know MPs run with the breeze. Can you still believe the ‘hard’ Brexit you favour, requiring Britain’s departure from the single market and the customs union, will ever get through this parliament, still less a new one under a new government? Your version of Brexit will either break or be broken by government".

Let us hope he is right. But do read the whole article, it's beautifully written and so true.