Tuesday 11 July 2017


Brexit will probably be a success, just not in the way Brexiteers think. Cameron gambled that a referendum would silence all the Euro sceptics in his party and he could then get on with cooperating with our EU partners on important issues. Brexiteers thought winning the referendum was the end. Farage even thought his work was finished and stepped down as leader of UKIP. But the vote was just the beginning and they must prove, without any doubt, that we will be better off out of the EU.

This is, in my opinion, absolutely impossible and will never happen. You might, with a lot of mendacity and computer graphics, be able to get a large proportion of the population to believe the world is flat, but it wouldn't make it so. Convincing a narrow majority Brexit is a good thing will not make it so either.

Sooner or later, the truth will dawn and we will rejoin the EU, if indeed we ever actually leave given the events of the last few weeks.

After that, it will never again be possible for the anti-EU press and the Eurosceptics to raise the arguments that they did during the referendum campaign. All of their ammunition will be gone. No one is going to believe the £350 million a week figure or indeed any of the other outrageous claims made by the leave campaigns.