Wednesday 12 July 2017


David Davis gave evidence to a Lord's Select Committee yesterday and looked like the swaggering old bluffer that he is. I didn't watch the entire session, I will do at some point, but what I did see was not impressive. He is a man totally out of his depth who does not seem to realise the utter mess we are in - or does he? He did apparently say, according to some reports, that he did not think any other country would follow us down this path (HERE) and perhaps this was an admission that the whole thing may prove to be a ghastly mistake. If so, in this he is like Dominic Cummings (HERE).

With regard to the Irish border and what progress is being made he said it is not going as quickly as he would like but he did not seem at all worried by it. A mere technicality and anyway what was a few months delay?  He did not seem to appreciate that cross border traders and employees are desperate to know that will happen after March 2019.

He confirmed the devolved administrations would have to give consent to the Repeal Bill but when asked what would happen if this was withheld, he said he wouldn't answer hypothetical questions! Since the SNP in Scotland are vehemently opposed to Brexit it seems to me this is far from hypothetical but almost racing certainty. But no plan apparently.

And on cross border legal matters he did not accept we would be better off using the ECJ to expedite things like custody or child support matters and maintained we would be free of the ECJ altogether. And in the laugh of the day, he claimed a transitional period may be needed (HERE) because France, Belgium and Holland may not be ready! I wonder if this is true or is just a carefully constructed excuse for a transitional period to satisfy the lunatic brexiteers?

Earlier in the day Boris Johnson revealed the government had no contingency plan if Davis failed to reach an agreement (HERE) with the EU, which was slightly embarrassing since Davis had previously told parliament there was one and it had been discussed in cabinet, of which BoJo is a member!  He was later slapped down by Downing Street - presumably for speaking the truth?