Saturday 8 July 2017


This week has been a bad one for the UK economy and contrasts starkly with the one across the Channel. The European economy is humming again (HERE). Eurozone factories are at a six year high (HERE) and Europeans are enjoying an export led boom (HERE) that we can only dream of. Just as we are leaving our economy is stuttering, mainly cause by Brexit while the EU is moving strongly ahead.

In the UK, construction slowed more than expected (HERE) and UK Manufacturing was said tom have reached a tipping point (HERE). Consumer confidence is in sharp fall (HERE) while new car sales fell for the third month in a row (HERE). Optimism among the service firms that make up 80% of the UK economy has also dipped (HERE).

In a summary of the economy (HERE) we can see far from there being an export led recovery, the trade gap in goods actually widened to £11.86 billion.

Meanwhile City sources are telling the government that The City must come first (HERE) and City is even sending its own delegation to the EU (HERE) as if they have lost any confidence that DEXEU will negotiate any kind of deal that might save the financial sector that produces huge amounts of revenue for the exchequer.