Thursday 6 July 2017


Andrew Percy, MP for Goole has returned to the back benches after a brief (very brief!) spell as a junior minister. He asked a couple of questions the other day about Canada (HERE). He wanted to be reassured that "until we achieve our freedomthe provisions of the trade agreement secured with Canada will be implemented fully in the United Kingdom, and that we will continue to play a proactive role within the EU and beyond in encouraging further free trade with Canada?". 

First of all, it seems to be a tacit acceptance that we will lose  any benefit of CETA, the Canadian trade deal after we leave, a point reinforced by the minister's reply which confirmed, CETA "will cover the United Kingdom for as long as we are members of the EU. After that point, it will be up to us to decide the terms of any future trading relationship with Canada, bearing in mind the—I won’t go any further on that".

Secondly, an innocent observer would not have realised that Mr Percy campaigned vigorously to leave the EU and give up the benefits of CETA which took seven years to negotiate and is still not completely ratified, in fact the debate in which he asked the question was to ratify the EU-Canada deal in this country. We will have to start all over again.

Thirdly, he (and others to be fair) called for us to "play a proactive role within the EU". This is the organisation he has just campaigned to leave. Only a complete fool would think this is playing a proactive role.

Fourthly, he says with Canada we have a shared legal system, shared language and shared business practices that will be able to flourish after Brexit. He doesn't seem to realise we also have shared legal systems, shared everything with the EU but he wants to leave one and join another? He is a xenophobe pure and simple

Finally, the Prime Minister of Canada (HERE), the country with which Mr Percy wants us to encourage free trade, accuses the UK of "turning inwards". You could not make it up.