Friday 14 July 2017


InFacts had an article a few days ago about how the Brexiteers may have overlooked some of the downsides to Brexit (HERE) and now even The Telegraph (HERE) has a similar warning that Brexit may have unintended consequences. Once free of Brussels control they seem to have assumed that they can turn us into a "Singapore on steroids" but seem to have forgotten that the electorate is fickle and one day, sooner or later, we will have a hard left socialist government, perhaps it will be sooner than they think with Jeremy Corbyn's astonishing rise in popularity.

When that happens there will be no constraints on the future government, no EU rules preventing government intervention to nationalise industries and put taxpayer money into failing businesses or to do plenty of other things that the right wing may not like. This would be what Roger Bootle in the InFacts article has called "Venezuela on steroids".

The Brexit knife cuts both ways but we can always say it's the will of the people.