Saturday 28 October 2017


There is still something odd happening with our MP. He was elected to the House of Commons on 6th May 2010 and made his maiden speech a few weeks later on 9th June. In the parliament that ran to 2015 he spoke many times and with his booming Yorkshire tones made Stentor seem like a church mouse. In the following parliament during the two years to the 2017 election he was again heard very frequently giving his opinion on Brexit, junior doctors contracts, the energy bill, farm payments and a host of other topics including The Digital Economy Bill in April. But since parliament resumed on June 13th this year he has not spoken once.

Not a word. Either he didn't turn up when parliament reconvened or he has disappeared altogether. But don't worry he doesn't seem to be drawing any expenses.

His website (HERE) says in 2015 he was elected to the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee but he is no longer a member of that as you can see HERE

The Newsroom section of his site has a few paltry insignificant items, the last one concerning a new bus service between Sherburn and Pontefract, something that President Trump will no doubt be discussing with Putin via the hot-line very soon.

I last reported on our Nigel in September (HERE) with some rather odd payments in his register of member's interests and he has added nothing new since then. Compared to his local colleagues Sturdy and Percy he has gone off the radar completely. I wonder what's happened to him?