Saturday 28 October 2017


After the summit in Brussels concluded there had not been sufficient progress, there was an statement saying the parties thought a breakthrough could be achieved at the December summit and that talks would be "accelerated". This was the week before last. Since then there has been no announcement of any further talks so it is not clear if anyone in DEXEU has even found the right pedal.

The Politico website carries a piece about it (HERE) and claims Brussels has proposed dates but London has not responded, at least this is the public position. Time is ticking by but we seem to be totally laid back with not the slightest sense of urgency.

Bernard Jenkins, vying for the position that Bill Cash occupied for years as the leading swivel eyed idiot, said in parliament this week that the EU has "delayed and delayed". This is an old Stalinist trick that Putin and the Brexiteers have taken to using in recent years. If you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one. In fact the bolder it is the more believable it will be to people. The average person in the street, hearing a big lie for the first time will think it must be true since no one could be that dishonest - could they?

If you muck around with a bit of misrepresentation you are going to get nowhere. You have to give yourself to the lie. The starting point is a complete disdain for honesty. Unless you understand that the truth will easily overwhelm you. 

To most rational people, I think it's clear that all the negotiations are happening on this side of the Channel between hard Brexiteers and those who want to keep a close relationship with Europe. The EU are waiting patiently for us to find a common position but in the meantime take all the blame.