Tuesday 17 October 2017


It must be great to live in the world that The Telegraph has created. Reality never seems to intrudes at all. Janet Daley (HERE) says "the public" is running out of patience with "insolent remainers who drum up fake Brexit Anxiety". I can't remember Ms Daley ever suggesting anyone ran out of patience with UKIP drumming up fake EU anxiety but there you are. She is a far right American so perhaps this will give you an idea of her sympathies.

However, her article comes just a day or two after a YouGov poll showed 47% of the population thought the vote to leave the EU was wrong, with just 42% still thinking it was right. This was the biggest gap between the two figures and the lowest percentage for RIGHT since the first such poll in August 2016. This is crystal clear evidence that the public is not running out of patience with insolent remainers but with stubborn, mendacious leavers like her who continue to suggest everything is well in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

And as if to prove The Telegraph is a newspaper for the misguided, written by ill informed fantasists and bigots, with letters from idiots masquerading as intelligent people, there is a letter (HERE) saying Britain shouldn't be intimidated by the EU's "empty posturing". If there is any empty posturing going on it's all on this side of The Channel but it is only recognised outside the confines of 111, Buckingham Palace Road, SW1, much like an inside cabin on The Titanic where you can insulate yourself from disaster - but not forever.