Monday 16 October 2017


This is a great article from The Standard (HERE) comparing Brexiteers with Marxists. The utter disdain for the well being of millions of ordinary people is likened to Russian revolutionaries in their mad pursuit of a theoretical fantasy. Not just that, but their penchant for denouncing colleagues and fellow members for either a lack of faith or the hint of the slightest doubt, is similarly compared.

There are plenty of other parallels too that have previously been mentioned. Attacks on the saboteurs and enemies of the people go back to revolutionary France.

And the constant adjustment of the goals to suit present circumstances. At first it would all be terribly easy: free and frictionless trade would continue as now, trade deals with non EU countries would be ready to sign very quickly, we had a prosperous future ahead with more money for the NHS and public services. Now, it's the EU's intransigence and remainers who are blocking things. And perhaps  we will take a short term economic hit - but in ten years we'll all be better off. This is from people who couldn't forecast what might happen this afternoon.

Communist Russia remained communist for seventy years based on promises of a brighter future. The jam was always just a year or two away, as soon as the tractor production reality caught up with the fictional output figures published every year in Pravda. So it will be with Brexit.

Dominic Lawson in The Sunday Times suggests The Chancellor needs to be sacked and replaced by Jeremy Hunt who voted to remain but has now changed his mind, recognising the "benefits" of leaving. This is what happens when the atmosphere becomes politically charged. Nobody really believes he has changed his mind or couldn't change it back in the blink of an eye. What we need is a re-education facility where these people's real motivations can be tested. We need to check what's in a man's soul before we can really trust him.