Friday 13 October 2017


There is now a move to force the government to publish the 50 or so impact assessments (HERE) by threatening DEXEU with a judicial review if they are not released in 14 days. The Good Law Project believes the public and MPs deserve to know the consequences of leaving the EU before the final decision is made. And it is very hard to argue against that.

These assessments are prepared by government departments to examine the potential impact of proposed legislative changes and many people think the government does not want to see them published because they will show the devastating impact that leaving the EU without a deal will wreak on the British economy. Government will say this will weaken their negotiating stance.

But I think we have a right to know what no deal means for the nation and for our elected representatives to have all the information needed to reach a decision. Although I don't doubt if the IAs are published, even under the direction of a court, Brexiteers will say it's all gloomy scaremongering by civil servants anyway. 

Ain't it great when you have an unshakeable belief in something? Perhaps Captain Smith on the bridge of the Titanic on April 14th 1912, even thought his ship would split the iceberg. One can imagine in the immediate minutes after the collision he was murmuring reassurances to everyone that all was well and there was nothing to worry about. We are beginning to see the same hubris now on Brexit.