Tuesday 17 October 2017


As you might expect there is a lot of conjecture in the press this morning about what Mrs May actually achieved in Brussels yesterday (HERE) at the hastily arranged meeting with Juncker and Barnier. When it was announced, some people saw it as a sign of panic on our side although Downing Street denied it.  The communique released afterwards was bland to say the least. The sides agreed that the talks that were deadlocked last week should be "accelerated" and apparently the talks took place in a "friendly and constructive atmosphere".

The speculation includes thinking Mrs May is setting the stage for a walk out and blaming it on the EU. She will say she went the extra mile but they were too inflexible. Most commentators believe the EU hasn't shifted from their position and even hardened it.

The PM spoke to Merkel on Sunday and Macron and Varadkar yesterday without anything being announced as an achievement - so I assume they got no further than restating their respective positions. 

Reuters claim to have a draft of the statement (HERE) to be released after the EU27 summit on Friday. I assume if Mrs May changed minds it will be reflected in small changes to the final statement - otherwise we can assume she made no progress. 

I read that there is perhaps talk between the sides about ways to present the so-called divorce bill in a way that is more acceptable to hard liners in the Brexit camp. In other words we have agreed to pay more money but make it appear that we haven't. No doubt the swivel eyes in Westminster will go through any agreement with a fine tooth comb to check she isn't being too generous to those foreigners!