Tuesday 17 October 2017


Before the referendum it was German car makers who would apply pressure on their government to reach a deal with us that guaranteed frictionless trade. But that's all forgotten now that it's obvious they won't be helping us out, so it will apparently have to be Dutch and Belgium farmers who are going to put the pressure on - according to our Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling (HERE). 

When that fails it will be Italian prosecco makers or perhaps Lithuanian sausage fillers or some other group always getting smaller and smaller until it's an old bloke with a market stall in Ulm. When will reality dawn? Brexiteers have a mercantile mind and a touching belief that trade will always trump everything else while attacking the EU as a political project. I wonder if they will ever see the flaw in their own argument?

And Grayling urges us to dig for victory as if it's 1940 again. If our farmers could compete they would already be supplying more food. And I assume he wants to see the workers who lose their jobs because of Brexit to sign on as agricultural labourers to replace the EU worker who either won't be able to come, or won't want to, after we leave. Whatever happens food prices are going to rise.