Saturday 28 October 2017


More welcome polling evidence from YouGov on WhatUKthinks (HERE), again showing a majority in Britain believe the vote to leave the EU was wrong. The lead at 2% is smaller than the previous two polls (3% and 5%) but it is nonetheless a clear lead. Right has not been ahead since 11th July. Up to the middle of May right was pretty well consistently in front but since then the position has reversed.

To put this in perspective, there has now been 46 polls all asking exactly the same question. In the first 26, WRONG was in the lead once (29th Nov 2016). But in the last 13, RIGHT led in just one (11th July).

The Telegraph (HERE) has now picked up the previous poll (HERE) and it notes that remainers who had resigned themselves to leaving are turning sharply against Brexit.

I stick to my forecast and firmly believe the RIGHT will not show a clear lead ever again. There may be the odd rogue poll but the gap will grow as the slow realisation of what we have done to ourselves seeps into the public consciousness.