Tuesday 10 October 2017


This article (HERE) from The Guardian is critical of the official government position that parliament will only have a vote either to accept the deal negotiated (assuming there is one) or to leave on WTO terms. Given that this vote will come in about twelve months time, it will give business and industry no time to prepare for the no deal WTO rules cliff edge and the vote would become a fait accompli. It would be the government's deal or nothing. Parliament has a majority of remainers. They are not going to accept that as a "meaningful" vote and will likely push to have an opportunity to remain in.

The writer of the article, Jessica Simor, is a lawyer and she believes we can withdraw the Article 50 notification at any time before the two year period is up and more importantly, remain in the EU on our present terms.

If this is accepted by the EU, and if the economy has indeed hit a rocky patch, one can imagine, with a bit of help from public opinion polls, the House of Commons voting down the deal and remaining in the EU.