Wednesday 1 November 2017


Last week David Davis did not seem sure if there was to be single treaty or multiple treaties between the EU and the UK, changing his mind in the 24 hours between his appearance in front of the Brexit committee and being called back to parliament to explain to MPs what he meant by suggesting a vote in the House on the EU deal might not take place until after we had left (HERE).

Now his junior minister Steve Baker is at it in front of the same committee (HERE), this time on legislation for the withdrawal bill. He began by telling MPs on the committee there would have to be separate legislation on the transition deal and then, after a suggestion by Hilary Benn, he agreed they would consider whether this newly announced transition bill would also cover the financial settlement and the final relationship. The idea had not occurred to him apparently and he said that it was "a very interesting point" and something they would consider.

It looks increasingly as if they are making it up as they go along.