Thursday 2 November 2017


I can see why Brexiteers often appear agitated about the "saboteurs" and "enemies of the people".  Everywhere you look there are people and groups battling to prevent Brexit. The latest legal challenge is coming, according to The Times (HERE), from the group behind the successful Article 50 challenge. They may go back to court unless ministers drop their opposition to enshrine the agreement in primary legislation. The group includes Gina Miller, the businesswoman who secured a Supreme Court victory in January, forcing the government to consult parliament over triggering Brexit.

Ministers apparently fear that giving MPs the opportunity to amend the agreement as the March 2019 deadline looms could derail the entire Brexit process.

A poll for the newspaper today finds that only 10 per cent of the public believe that leaving the EU without a deal on a future relationship would be good for Britain, though 35 per cent believe that such an outcome is likely.

Senior legal figures, including the former deputy president of the Supreme Court, believe that a challenge could be successful as it would be based on the same principles as the Article 50 case. “Without the explicit authorisation of parliament in legislation [the withdrawal agreement] is vulnerable,” Lord Hope of Craighead warned.

It all looks incredibly shaky to me.