Saturday 11 November 2017


The series of polls published by the Whatukthinks tracker (HERE) has been asking if, in hindsight, people thought the decision to leave the EU was RIGHT or WRONG. There have now been 48 in total since August 2016, taking place about every ten days on average. RIGHT has led in 27 and WRONG in 13. The other eight were level. The interesting thing is that RIGHT was in front almost continuously for the first seven months and 17 polls, with WRONG ahead just once.

After March the polls were mixed. Then in May things began to swing towards WRONG. In the last 15 polls RIGHT has been ahead just once. WRONG led ten times and four were level. WRONG has led consistently  over the last six polls.

I am no sephologist but this looks like a consistent and decisive shift away from leave and towards remain. As I have said previously, as the problems mount and the scale of the task becomes clear, I personally doubt if RIGHT will ever lead another poll.

So to summarise:

48 polls since August 2016
RIGHT led on all but one occasion in the first 17
Crossover at the end of May 2017
15 polls since May 31st
RIGHT has led just once since then with WRONG ahead in ten
WRONG has led by a clear margin in the last 6 polls


I do not suggest for a moment that this self selecting poll (HERE) by AOL is accurate, but it is nonetheless interesting. It shows a huge, almost three to one majority, to reverse Brexit. In itself this might not be surprising but it is quite a sample, 10,000 people, and the company claim in 2015 there was majority support for UKIP! In the referendum they also showed a majority for leave.

Now it may be that enough leavers simply didn't bother to vote in the most recent AOL poll but this might indicate a waning enthusiasm for leaving and at the same time, a rising belief that Brexit is a disaster has motivated others to vote. Or it might be that people are actually changing their minds.