Friday 24 November 2017


An internal Irish government document has been leaked and found its way into the press. It is a summary of the opinions of various EU government officials and ministers, as of early November this year and gathered by Ireland's diplomats. The Irish broadcaster RTE has the report HERE. I do not think it is in the least surprising. It only confirms what we already know. That there is "chaos" and "incoherence" at the heart of British policy on Brexit.

The Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Jakub Dürr told officials "he felt sorry for British Ambassadors around the EU trying to communicate a coherent message when there is political confusion at home".

And apparently David Davis went to a meeting with French ministers, billed in Britain as an attempt to "unblock" the negotiations, and barely mentioned Brexit at all, much to the surprise of the French!

By comparison to the British approach to the Brexit negotiations, a pigs ear looks like a work of art by Fabergé.