Thursday 9 November 2017


There is quite a detailed and authoritative account of the Irish border problem with particular respect to the agricultural and food sector on the RTE website (HERE). It seems impossible to avoid a hard border with BIPs (Border Inspection Posts) where checks on food and live exports are carried out. 

This is something which the EU and the Irish have been calling for clarity on for months. We have said "flexible and imaginative" solutions are needed but have failed to come up with any and rejected the ones the EU propose. We have about a month to solve the conundrum. Bearing in mind we are sixteen months on from the vote and no solution is in sight. All we have are a lot of platitudes about both sides wanting to avoid a hard border. 

This is rather like being on an aeroplane that has ran out of fuel. All on board want to avoid a hard landing and no doubt there is a lot of thinking about "flexible and imaginative" solutions but I wouldn't place much confidence in one being found.

We have repeatedly talked of an invisible border post Brexit but I am afraid it is the solutions that are invisible rather than the border. As has already been pointed out, it is an insoluble problem.

You can see more on how Brexit is threatening the CAP and other EU programmes at The Irish Border Blog (HERE)