Thursday 9 November 2017


Talks begin again in Brussels and in spite of the EU website suggesting an agenda would be published "shortly" there is nothing available as of this morning on the task force page (HERE). I suppose they will think of something to discuss. Meanwhile, there are more indication that the talks are not going to get easier. According to this Reuters report (HERE), diplomats in Brussels are preparing for the next phase but with no assumption that we will actually get there. Davis is travelling to meet Barnier tomorrow for what is described as a "brief encounter," against a background of increasing concern at the slow progress.

Some EU envoys apparently favour making us sweat until next March before starting trade talks and in any transition period they will expect us to continue to observe all the EU acquis including any new directives or regulations that apply after we have left. It would also mean remaining in the CAP and CFP. They say anything bespoke would be too complex. I am sure this will go down well among the swivel eyes at Leave means Leave.

An unnamed EU official has said, “Some believe that the worse it gets for the British, the better for us... that maybe we could delay it all until for instance March, increasing the uncertainty and triggering the contingency plans in the corporate sector. That would be ruthless and risky, but people have different views on what is risky.”

There is also a feeling that things are coming to a head, that all the lies during the campaign about the UK having our cake and eating it will finally be exposed for what they were. A fantasy dreamed up by fanatical xenophobes. If so, I for one would welcome it.