Monday 4 December 2017


Last night The Telegraph were pessimistic (HERE) that a deal could be agreed with Juncker today, because Mrs May has yet to find a solution to the Irish border problem. But this morning it looks pretty certain a deal of some kind will be agreed this week to allow the EU27 to conclude there has been sufficient progress on the separation issues. The BBC report (HERE) a deal on money and citizens rights has been reached but not quite yet on Ireland. I think there will probably be a deal because both sides want it but I am always suspicious of agreements reached at the last minute, written by exhausted diplomats in the early hours of the morning.

If a deal is concluded it will be because we are desperate and the EU fears Theresa May might be toppled any minute and replaced by someone even dafter. 

There will not be any crowing in Brussels and it will all be presented as both sides having compromised but it will be completely obvious that we have shifted towards the EU position rather than the other way round. Watch out for the reaction of Brexiteers, they are a suspicious bunch and see capitulation everywhere. This will tell us everything. If they are satisfied the EU will be in trouble and I don't expect that.