Tuesday 12 December 2017


After posting yesterday that the EU will not be happy with Davis for calling the Friday agreement a "statement of intent" (HERE) he has indeed come in for a lot of stick (HERE), but more than that it is now being claimed (HERE) that the wording of the resolution to be agreed later this week between EU leaders will be toughened up.

This is not a surprise. If you discovered your interlocutor had been saying the agreement just signed was only a statement of intent and not legally enforceable, you might consider that more needed to be done. So, not only has he made a complete pillock of himself and not for the first time, he has made things much more difficult for us. A legal agreement committing us to the text as agreed and perhaps forcing Theresa May to bring an Act of Parliament forward with specific monetary numbers in it. This would make matters even worse than they are now.

Liberal Democrat MP Tom Brake said: "David Davis has endangered the entire divorce agreement because he couldn't resist playing to the Brexit gallery and because the cabinet can't even agree among itself what kind of Brexit it wants.

"The sheer incompetence and chaos coming from the government is unprecedented in my lifetime. Every time David Davis speaks, the Brexit divorce grows worse for Britain."

Davis is way out of his depth on Brexit.

Update: Having told the country a few days ago the deal last Friday wasn't legally binding, he is now promising to enshrine it in UK law "as soon as possible" according to The Telegraph (HERE). It's a farce.