Thursday 14 December 2017


The DEXEU website provides regular, usually totally meaningless, updates on Brexit. These are invariably simple anodyne announcements about meetings, speeches and consultations involving DEXEU ministers. I check it every few days and there is a link to it on the sidebar of this blog, but there has never been anything remotely interesting. However, the latest is about Gibraltar and a meeting between Robin Walker, a junior DEXEU minister and Dr Josef Garcia, the territory's deputy first minister (HERE).

What caught my eye was the last paragraph, clearly written by DEXEU and proclaiming that Gibraltar was looking forward to "making the most of Gibraltar's new opportunities" following their exit from the EU. Remember, this was the province that voted 96% to remain in the EU.

What these new opportunities are it doesn't say, nor why being in the EU prevented them taking advantage of them in any case. 

The news is only interesting for giving us an insight into the blind faith which is driving government policy at the moment even trying to persuade us that people who voted clearly and overwhelmingly to remain in the EU have somehow seen the light and are now raving Brexiteers chafing to make the most of the non existent opportunities of Brexit.