Wednesday 21 February 2018


It is just as I expected and as I posted a long time ago. The way Brexit is shaping up nobody is going to be happy with the result. Leavers will hate the idea of regulatory alignment and following EU rules without a say in how they are made. Remain will be unhappy that we aren't in the EU. Life will be more or less unchanged except the country will be a poorer place.

As the Guardian say (HERE), Brexit is coming in to view following Davis' speech in Vienna and it doesn't look anything like what leavers were promised.

John Longworth assured Guardian readers in January 2017 (HERE) that the economic benefits would be "huge" but now it seems Davis is suggesting we are only aiming to avoid the complete collapse of civil society and a Mad Max world. Well, well, well. Who'd have thought it? 

Last year I wrote that nobody is going to be happy with Brexit (HERE) and (HERE). This was always clear to me. The Guardian writer sums it up far better:

Brexiters portrayed it as the assertion of a bolder country upon the global stage. That was always a stretch. It is, increasingly, a much diminished vision of a diminished nation: as alarming to remainers as ever and unsatisfactory to all. The closeup is coming into view, and it is not flattering.