Thursday 22 February 2018


The draft text for the transition deal as submitted by the UK government in response to the EU proposal has been published see it HERE. I hesitate to comment on it because it's drafted in highly technical and legal terms anyway but it covers all sorts of treaty protocols and things which are well beyond me.

However, the BBC editor Norman Smith said some of the document published by David Davis's Brexit department would make "uncomfortable reading" for Tory Brexiteers.

"It contains no "pushback" on EU demands for free movement of people to continue in the same form during the transition phase, no suggestion of a veto to block new EU laws and no power to implement new international trade deals without the EU's permission", he said.

Sounds about right to me.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is not happy, thus making remainers very happy. The draft transition proposal published yesterday is a "perversion of democracy" according to him (HERE). As a supporter of the utterly mendacious Vote Leave campaign and president Trump, he will know more than most about perverting democracy.

I can't read the whole article because it's behind a paywall and I couldn't put money in The Telegraph coffers but I get the gist. We are fortunate indeed that he is a mere back bencher. If JRM was prime minster we would already be in a slump that would make the thirties look like an uncontrolled boom. As a multimillionaire Eton educated fool he is well able to withstand an economic winter for several decades and thinks the general population would be quite happy to go through hell in order to get to Brexit.  And those that aren't - well they can go to hell as well anyway.