Monday 19 February 2018


Guy Verhofstadt appeared on Andrew Marr's show this weekend (HERE) and said a couple of important things. Firstly, that there will be no trade deal before we leave. This will enrage Jacob Rees-Mogg and Peter Bone, both of whom think the two year implementation period will be spent preparing for what has already been agreed. Instead, the transition period will be spent negotiating something that will then be agreed. 

Presumably, we will need a real implementation period after the "implementation" period Mrs May has been talking about. That will go down really well with Brexiteers.

Peter Lilley, who thought a trade deal would take "ten minutes", might also be a tad disappointed.

And David Davis, who has been telling anybody who will listen - and that is a vanishingly small number of people nowadays - that we will get a Canada +++ deal, will have listened to Verhofstadt and heard someone seemingly not entirely enthusiastic about it. In fact he said it "will not be the outcome of the negotiation". What a shock! The Telegraph report is as news (HERE) and perhaps to them it is.

The EU Parliament's Brexit coordinator also warned that the right of EU citizens to move freely must remain throughout the transition period, despite Theresa May's pledge that anyone coming to the UK after Brexit would have to register and be subject to new restrictions after Brexit. 

Finally, he said that if British MPs veto the final agreement it could lead to a political collapse, another general election and possibly a new Government. Bring it on.

We are watching reality slowly crush the fantasy that leavers were sold in 2016.