Sunday 18 February 2018


James Forsyth at The Spectator is I think a sympathetic remainer and usually has a balanced view of things. His latest article HERE argues that there can be no Brexit without Tory unity and there is some truth in it, but the piece that caught my eye is what he thinks Brexiteers are concerned might happen if we follow EU rules.

"They also worry that the EU could use its power to protect its industries at the UK’s expense. For example, the UK car industry is ahead of its European competitors when it comes to driverless cars. Without the UK present at the table, the fear is that the EU could adopt rules that retard the development of these vehicles". 

I assume when he talks about the UK car industry he is referring to Morgan, since this is the only UK owned car maker. The others are Japanese, German, Indian, Malaysian or Arab in the case of McClaren. And I would think Morgan are only ahead in driverless cars if an owner forgets to put the handbrake on. Either that or when some vital part has got an attack of woodworm.

What I think Mr Forsyth means is that the Americans, Japanese and Germans are ahead in driverless car technology. In fact I seem to remember Mercedes demonstrating driverless trucks years ago (HERE).

Whenever you read we are "world leaders" in anything it's best to google it before you accept it as the unvarnished truth.  Usually, we aren't.