Wednesday 21 March 2018


The Home Affairs Select Committee has issued its 4th report (HERE) and joins the growing list of bodies warning the government about a lack of realistic planning for Brexit. They are concerned about a number of areas including the European Arrest Warrant and future access to EU data. Some of these areas where close cooperation is vital to our security will require "unprecedented" agreements with the EU they say. 

The committee conclude that some of these unique agreements will take a long time to negotiate and they are concerned there is simply not enough time before December 2020 to cover everything, especially since the government shows no sign of engaging with the EU on any of the details.

The Committee is not alone and with good reason. 

Immediately after the referendum the very idea of a transition was dismissed. Some leave voters thought Brexit could be achieved in a few days! Now we are trying to secure a 21 month transition with plenty of people thinking this will not be enough and another extension will be required.

Rather than a global trading colossus bestriding the world's international trade routes, we are looking more like an invalid having to be helped across the road.