Wednesday 7 March 2018


If this report on Reuters (HERE) is true and the EU is not willing to give us associate membership of their agencies this might be really troubling. David Davis has already admitted there is no provision for third countries to become associates of the European Medicines Agency and this would need treaty changes for the EU.

But the one that might cause the biggest problem is the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). If we don't get associate membership the Americans will be very concerned. The FAA were over in the UK in December (HERE) and (HERE) telling us we must either remain in the EASA or create our own - in the next few weeks! Our CAA have said getting our own equivalent agency is so inconceivable that they are not even starting to look at it. 

I can see us begging to stay in the EASA.

The shadow boxing fantasy and the bravado is coming slowly to an end. We will very shortly getting into real issues and this does not look promising.