Tuesday 6 March 2018


It's amazing how many intelligent people don't understand the Irish border problem. This article HERE by Juliet Samuels still talks about some future trade partnership solving the issue. This is the triumph of hope over experience. It won't, unless that future partnership includes staying in the customs union and the single market. 

Failing this there are still others including Bertie Ahern, Ireland’s former Taoiseach, and Ray Bassett, formerly a senior Irish diplomat being quoted and who believe some sort of fudge will do it.

Trusted traders, small businesses being exempted, advanced technology and so on and so on. If a solution was possible it would have been found by now. We are almost a year on from the Article 50 notification, with all the wise men of Brexit and the British civil service plus the Irish government and the EU thinking about it constantly and no solution emerges. Is it perhaps because one does not exist?

The author of the EU parliament report (HERE) from last November, often cited as the solution by Brexiteers, has admitted I believe that in writing the report he didn't fully understand the sensitivities in Ireland over the hard border. His solution requires infrastructure which has already been ruled out by both governments and the EU. When will the straw clutching end?