Sunday 4 March 2018


The most recent poll in the YouGov, WhatUKthinks series has just been published this afternoon. It's the 58th and shows another lead for WRONG albeit by a narrow 1%. This is in answer to the question: In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?

In total now out of the 58 polls RIGHT leads in 28, WRONG in 22 with 8 level. But look at it this way. The first 27 polls had RIGHT in front 22 times with 4 polls level and just the single on showing WRONG in the lead.

I am pleased to say out of the last 20, WRONG has been in front 16 times, they were level 3 times and RIGHT has led just once. This is almost a complete reversal of the state of opinion since the latter half of 2016. 

By the end of April or so WRONG will almost certainly have more polls where they're ahead than RIGHT. And as the full horror of Brexit and life outside the EU continues to dawn opposition will continue to grow.

Note none of the pro-Brexit press cover this polling. They seem to think if they ignore it and keep up the rhetoric it will all go away. It won't.