Wednesday 28 March 2018


I look forward to Jacob Rees-Mogg having to admit, in his words, the "absurd" solution (HERE) the EU have put forward is actually the only way we will be able to leave the EU and avoid a hard border in Ireland. He was on TV again today still clinging to the notion that a technology based solution exists to solve it - although like all of his Brexiteer friends he couldn't actually think what it was.

However, I bet that if it became necessary to build a border wall in Ireland with watch towers every mile, this would be a price Rees-Mogg would readily pay for Brexit, and he would think it a bargain.

The man is a dangerous fool. He speaks very softly in a cut-glass accent that puts The Queen to shame but uses the kind of extreme right-wing, Wodehousian language of national humiliation that you would expect to find in a Munich beer hall circa 1930. Wearing that pin striped double breasted suit and probably smelling of moth balls he has become a caricature of himself, which is saying something.

But he is riding a prickly nationalist tiger that he may find unable to control. A lot of people's hopes and expectations have been raised but are very unlikely to be fulfilled. Their anger when they realise the promised Utopia is not coming will be terrible.

As an example, on Newsnight last night a Cornwall fishmonger who was an enthusiastic leaver says when the rest of Europe sees the success we are going to make of Brexit other countries will "follow us out". He genuinely believes this in the teeth of all the evidence. But when asked about how we are now having to follow the CFP until 2020 his answer was, "they're selling us down the river again". 

Yet he still thinks Brexit is going to be good for Cornwall.

A Cornish hotelier received funds from the EU for renovations but voted to leave along with 56% of the county. He was happy that they don't need any more money "for the next few years". I wonder where he expects the money to come from afterwards?

These people will not blame themselves when it all goes wrong.

But we remainers also need to be careful. Rees-Mogg, with the help of The Daily Mail and The Sun will try to heap the blame on us.

John Crace takes a humorous look at him HERE although there is very little for me to laugh at.