Friday 2 March 2018


One of the problems with Brexit and whether or not we are members of the EU is this issue of sovereignty that Brexiteers harp on about constantly, as if it is something black and white. It isn't. We share sovereignty in lots of different ways, with NATO countries for example or in other treaties and agreements that bind us in one way or another.

When we joined the EEC in 1973 we gave up some sovereignty in return for greater prosperity and security. It was a matter of judgement on the part of the Heath government which was absolutely united in its aims. And there was realism on our side. Over the years we have benefited a lot from EU membership, in my opinion. The car industry is a shining example.

Now we are moving in the opposite direction. It is a matter of judgement whether or not life outside the EU will be better. We will gain some sovereignty no doubt. The problem is this must come at a cost and this has never been honestly explained to the people. Whenever anyone (and there were may as we know) raised the adverse economic impact of Brexit, they were shouted down. They were guilty of scaremongering, talking Britain down, of being stooges of the EU and so on.

Brexiteers pretended we would have the "exact same" benefits of EU membership as we do now, plus increased trade with the rest of the world. There wouldn't be any trade off, we could have it all. We cannot. There will be trade offs, consequences as Michel Barnier refers to them.

We are now beginning to learn the price of Brexit. And it may be far too high.