Saturday 21 April 2018


The former French President, Francois Holland's has told The Telegraph (HERE) that the door to Europe is now "closed" and trying to reverse Brexit would pose a threat to Europe by dragging out the divorce proceedings. He has also called on the EU to agree a deal with us that we will "live to regret". Of course, this is meat and drink to the average Telegraph readers who no doubt thinks we should get out because they want to punish us. 

Politico have the same story HERE. I don't believe anyone thinks the EU will not try to gain an advantage out of Brexit. This isn't "punishing" us - it is what happens in a zero sum game. If they gain we will lose. This applies to both trade and world influence. 

As the voice of the EU gets louder and more confident in world affairs ours will diminish. 

The same with trade. If banks move to the EU we will lose and they will gain.

Brexiteers are getting their excuses in early, but it won't make any difference.