Thursday 3 May 2018


Faisal Islam is Sky News' political editor and, I suspect, a remainer. He was always critical of the Brexiteers lack of a plan even before the referendum and it seems to me, he has been negative about it ever since. So the following tweet (HERE) from him shouldn't be a surprise:

Islam says: "So, 1 year & 43 weeks after EU referendum, with 300 days until UK becomes a third country under EU law, Government can’t decide between 2 options already rejected by the other side of the negotiation, and not backed by business, and for which it may not get Parliamentary support"

In which modern western democracy could you find yourself with a government, faced with what is perhaps the most critical and far reaching negotiation about the future of the nation and its 65 million people, after nearly two years, cannot get agreement among a handful of ministers in the Brexit sub committee on a fundamental question.

We can't decide if we want to be in "the" customs union, "a" customs union, a customs partnership, a "new" customs partnership (NCP) or a customs arrangement with maximum facilitation (Max-Fac). We still cannot decide whether to have the cake or eat it. Meanwhile the EU keep shouting at us THERE IS NO CAKE!  

None of the options will prevent a hard border in Ireland or 30 miles queues up the M20 through Kent.

I sometimes feel like weeping at what we have become as a country. We have no leaders, no statesmen and no intellects. Just a few dimwits sitting around a table in No 10 trying to resolve a problem they brought upon themselves but do not understand. The world is laughing at us.