Tuesday 8 May 2018


The EU had a briefing for ambassadors yesterday to set out the latest position on the Brexit negotiations. They issued a briefing note HERE. All I think can be said is that there has been no progress on the outstanding issues particularly with regard to the Irish border and future governance. It's really a simple restatement of the EU's position as we knew it at the end of March. 

The Brexit cabinet Committee has come up with no solution in Ireland and can't even decide about the future customs arrangements. This is a year after we invoked Article 50 and almost two years after the referendum! 

I noticed in the comments section of the EU Referendum blog yesterday, someone who is apparently a civil servant close to senior government circles who goes by the handle of JDD, posted an intriguing comment:

"Just so everyone is aware. This weeks war cabinet meeting, I hate that usage, is solely on a no deal Brexit and its consequences.  I have had to send in briefing papers on the full WTO option, they even had me trawling for trade treaties that the UK may have signed prior to 1973, none of use by the way.
Open Skies, REACH, SPS, etc are all on the meeting agenda as is the lack of Port infrastructure and inspection points.

If this doesn't focus the minds of some Ministers nothing will".

If true, and I have no reason to think it's not since he makes regular and insightful contributions, this is indeed shocking. After almost two years, countless speeches and interviews by the PM and cabinet ministers, where no deal has been said to be better than a bad deal, the cabinet are finally to be briefed on what a no deal outcome actually means! We are bogged down in a quagmire of ignorance and indecision. As JDD says if that doesn't focus minds we need to buckle up and brace for impact.