Thursday 10 May 2018


Peter Foster, the Telegraph's Europe editor is ploughing a lonely furrow trying to educate a pro Brexit readership about the complexities and realities of leaving the EU. He wrote a column yesterday: Why Boris Johnson's 'MaxFac' customs plan cannot solve the Irish Border question (HERE but behind a paywall). It's a relatively short explanation of why the two proposed customs union solutions cannot work and well worth a read (remember this is The Telegraph), I reproduce it below:

Boris Johnson has dismissed the Prime Minister’s preferred customs solution for Brexit as both “crazy” and a betrayal of the core promise to “take back control” of the UK’s money, laws and borders.

The Foreign Secretary, backed by leading Brexiteers, is clear that Mrs May’s idea of a ‘customs partnership’, where the UK collects tariffs on the EU’s behalf for goods destined for the EU but is nominally free to set tariffs for other goods, is unworkable.

Instead, Mr Johnson backs the idea of using ‘maximum facilitation’ for customs - so-called ‘MaxFac’ - using technology and trusted-trader schemes to smoothe trade with Europe as part of a zero-tariff Free Trade Agreement.

If the Brexiteers win the argument in Cabinet, however, they will still need to answer the question of how a ‘MaxFac’ arrangement can solve the issue of the Irish border.

To do so, they must make good on the British government’s pledge to do nothing to unravel the Good Friday Agreement or to put a goods border in the Irish Sea that would threaten the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom.

The European Union and the Irish Government have dismissed the idea that ‘MaxFac’ solutions can obviate the need for checks on the Irish border - Brexiters disagree, arguing that ‘surely’ some solution can be found.

Here we look at the obstacles they will face to winning that argument in Brussels, Dublin and indeed, in Whitehall and Downing Street.

Isn’t the problem just Brussels and Dublin playing politics?

This is a key argument for the Brexiteers - that Michel Barnier and the Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar are simply ‘weaponising’ the Irish border issue to force the UK to remain in the Customs Union and in high alignment with the EU’s single market for goods.

This might well be true - although the EU, of course denies it - but to observe a fact isn’t to change it. As we have seen before in these Article 50 negotiations, the ratchet-effect created by the two-year deadline has enabled the EU to set and enforce the agenda time and again. 

But this is about more than playing politics. In the ‘Joint Report’ issued by both sides last December, the British government promise to avoid a hard border “including any physical infrastructure or related checks and controls.” This was a condition for opening talks on trade and the future relationship.

That sets a very high bar for Mr Johnson and the Brexiteers. One solution would be to renege on that promise - which is what is suggested by the Policy Exchange think-tank in its paper this week entitled ‘Getting over the Line: solutions to the Irish Border’.

In an apparent admission that the bar is indeed set too high, it argues that the UK “conceded too much” last December but remains convinced the UK can leave the Customs Union and avoid a ‘hard border’ - by redefining what a ‘hard border’ means.

In his leaked letter to Mrs May last February, Mr Johnson appeared to take this exact position, arguing that it was “it is wrong to see the task as maintaining 'no border'”, but rather to avoid the border becoming “significantly harder". The response to this was predictably explosive.

What would staying in Customs Union mean?

Given the ever-dwindling timeframe of the Brexit negotiations, the politics of rowing back on December pledges and ‘calling Dublin’s bluff to force them to accept such checks on the border scenario are explosive indeed.

Why can’t the Irish border have small amount of technology?

Proponents of MaxFac, such as the Brexit secretary David Davis, argue that it is possible to have technology - camera gantries and some in-warehouse inspections - but to have the checks “set back” from the border a few miles, in recognition of local sensitivities.

The problem is that the Police Service of Northern Ireland does not agree with them. It is worth noting that all the constituencies on the north-south border are controlled by the nationalist Sinn Fein, who are campaigning hard now against an “English Brexit”.

The core ambiguity at the heart of the Good Friday Agreement swept away the idea that nationalists and unionists had to choose between Ireland or the UK.

For the nationalists the removal of the British Army watchtowers and any physical manifestations of a border are fundamental to their daily experience of that ambiguous constitutional reality. Travel the border and this becomes clear - even the ‘Welcome to the United Kingdom’ signs are either removed (or peppered with bullet holes) on the border back-roads.

Indeed, the Policy Exchange paper concedes it is “almost inevitable” that dissident republicans would “attempt some attack”, but then argues that “any danger is likely to subside”. Is that really a risk that Mr Johnson, the Brexiteers or any British government is prepared to accept? Dublin is clear that it will not - hence their political stance on this issue. (See above).

SIDENOTE:To say that dissident Republican attacks would “bring back The Troubles” is clearly an over-statement, and arguably such talk has only increased the risk of violence returning. Community leaders in Northern Ireland are clear that no-one forsees a return to the 1970s, but that does not mean that Brexit - an “English Brexit” as nationalists call it - is not already polarising and re-sectarianising Northern Irish politics.

Recall that 20 years after the Good Friday Agreement more than 90 per cent of housing and schooling is segregated between Protestants and Catholics. The violence has stopped, much has improved, but the Northern Ireland crisis - which grew out of a partition of Ireland that the Good Friday Agreement so imaginatively resolved - has not gone away.

Why can’t the ‘MaxFac’ technology work?

Assuming the UK side does not want to risk reneging on the December ‘Joint Report’ or dissident Republican attacks, or further sectarianising Northern Irish politics, is it possible to have a infrastructure-free border based purely on technology?

Brexiteers appear to believe so. Exhibit A in this argument is a European Parliament study conducted by the Swedish customs expert Lars Karlsson entitled “Smart Border 2.0 Avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland for Customs control and the free movement of persons.”

The study is cited by Policy Exchange as proof that, if the EU and Irish were slightly more flexible, technology could provide the answer - even though it has never been deployed on any other border to this effect (not Sweden-Norway, Switzerland-EU, Canada-USA) and certainly not on a border as complex as Northern Ireland, which has more than 200 crossing points.

It is worth noting from the outset that the Karlsson paper was written for the European Parliament and has, implicitly, been rejected by the European Commission and its negotiators.

It is worth noting that this ‘Smart Border 2.0’ would still require, “mobile control and inspection units” and “technical surveillance” of the border using CCTV and number-plate recognition (ANPR) technology. For security and political reasons (see above) this is highly problematic.

The sheer complexity of the Northern-Irish border is the second problem. This has been implicitly acknowledged by the UK’s request that small and medium-sized businesses (which account for 80 per cent of cross-border trade by value) be exempted from customs checks, even though many of these businesses feed into big business supply-chains.

For both political, practical and economic reasons, this seems highly unlikely to happen. The EU has already rejected the idea, because of the risks to the security of the single market.

The EU is extremely mindful that the reason we are having this discussion about making “MaxFac” work, is because Brexit Britain wants the freedom to diverge, which means products of different standards and tariffs entering the UK customs area.

These will need to be policed somewhere - and if not at the north-south border, then on the border between Northern Ireland and the UK mainland.

Not surprisingly, given that Scotland voted 62-38 remain, the British government is just as allergic to such a border, as the Irish government is to the return of a border in the island of Ireland. In short, the EU will not create an unpoliced backdoor into its single market - and British negotiators know this.

Recall also that this border, as well as being a border in Ireland, is also an external border of the EU and its member states support Mr Barnier's desire to not create precedents with bearing on relations with Turkey, the Cyprus question and future border arrangements.

Without a small business exemption, it remains extremely difficult to see how technology can be used to solve the Irish border question in a way that meets that December pledge to avoid “any” infrastructure or checks.

Trusted-trader schemes, such as Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs) who are exempted from daily checks, are another possible strand to a technological solution. But as Professor Katy Hayward points out in her detailed deconstruction of the Brexiteers’ vision, such schemes are costly, unwieldy and totally completely unsuited to such small Irish businesses.

As she memorably put it: “It would be like putting on a full diving suit with oxygen tank and flippers in order to walk through a puddle that one has crossed every day for years without so much as a pair of wellies.”

Lastly, Brexiteers also note that the EU only currently carries out checks on a small proportion (2-5 per cent) of consignments entering the EU border. They use this fact to argue that most goods could move across the Northern Ireland border without inspection.

It is true that only a fraction of consignments are inspected at the EU external border, but this is based on the assumption that all goods entering the EU are compliant and convergent.

In the Brexit context, when the UK has diverged, the EU will be wanting to be sure that non-convergent goods are not leaking into the Single Market via a porous Irish external border. You can bet they will want considerable more checking than is currently the place.

So is there a ‘MaxFac’ solution?

Apparently not - which is why Mrs May is clinging so hard to her ‘New Customs Partnership’ which had initially been dismissed as ‘magical’ thinking by the EU, but - in the light of the limitations of MaxFac - is no longer considered quite as ‘magical’ as was originally believed.

The terms of making such a scheme work will likely be onerous - both in terms of technology, high levels of alignment and European Court of Justice oversight - but unless and until Mr Johnson and his allies can convince that MaxFac can work, it may be the only alternative.