Saturday 29 September 2018


Isn't it strange when there is an impasse between you and another party, they are "intransigent" while you are determined to "stand by your principles". Of course, they see things in precisely the opposite way. Liam Fox, a medical doctor who occasionally does comic impressions of an International Trade Secretary, accuses the EU of intransigence (HERE) because of their unwillingness to dismantle the European single market to enable us to retain what we have recently voted to give up. How unreasonable.

He makes political capital (i.e. tries to whip up the frenzied mob) by describing Mrs May as being "taunted" in Salzburg. Many would say she was simply confronted by reality, perhaps for the first time as Prime Minister or Home Secretary.

"I thought the behaviour was unacceptable," the International Trade Secretary said. "To openly taunt the Prime Minister, when of all people she is one the most polite and well mannered, was way beyond the pale". 

She may be polite and well mannered, although some might be surprised at that (HERE), but she was responsible for the appointment of David Davis - who described Guy Verhofstadt as Satan (HERE) - and BoJo who talked about punishment beatings (HERE).  Downing Street defended the then Foreign Secretary for his comments warning Francois Hollande, the French president about administering punishment beatings to the UK like some WWII movie. A charge the mild mannered Frenchman seemed entirely innocent of as far as I could see.

In the Telegraph article Fox sets up more straw men:

"It reminded me of during the referendum when you heard voices saying Britain would have to be punished for leaving the EU". 

Did anyone hear the EU saying the UK would have to be punished? No. Only the delusional, swivel eyed Fox. One of the voices he heard was certainly that of BoJo warning the EU against doing something they have never suggested they would anyway.

If anyone is administering punishment beatings to the UK it is Fox and Johnson.