Monday 1 October 2018


Peter Bone is the half-witted Conservative MP for Wellingborough and a walking joke with shirt collars several sizes too big so that he usually appears like a thin man climbing out of a fat man's clothes or perhaps a sewage worker emerging from a manhole.  He actually thinks Nigel Farage should be knighted and lead the Brexit negotiations (HERE). This will tell you everything you need to know about what goes on in Mr Bone's head. 

If Farage had any role at all in the negotiations we would already be at war, not only with the EU but half the countries in the WTO. He is to diplomacy what a tactical nuclear weapon is to a china shop. That Bone should think Nigel Farage has the slightest aptitude for careful, delicate, complex negotiations on matters of vital national importance is utterly risible. 

Farage would be better suited to being a bookies runner since he is good at shouting the odds, but not much else.