Thursday 4 October 2018


I know of people who voted to leave the EU because they thought it was becoming a German dominated club. I see (HERE) that Sir Bill Cash thinks the same way. If we were dominating the EU I assume he and others would be quite happy. They have no principled objection to a country dominating an organisation like the EU, as long as that country is the UK.  I know the PM thinks the same way because in her conference speech she talked about Britain being a "driving force in the Commonwealth". This is the body whose head has been the Queen since the modern Commonwealth was formed after the war. 

Her son will now take over when she dies. This is how we prefer things to work.

It irks a lot of little Englanders that Germany is the driving force in the EU because Berlin pays the most into the budget, although I'm quite certain they don't throw their weight around in the same way that we would if the roles were reversed.

I think there is a frustration that Germany has a huge balance of payments surplus (200 billion euro or so) while we have a huge deficit when there is a totally level playing field. Same rules, same regulations, same environmental and social conditions yet they go from strength to strength while we go backwards.

Brexit for these people is a natural reaction to seeing Britain slip down the Premier League of nations into mid-table mediocrity, a bit like Everton or West Ham. In fact one might even think that we have voluntarily taken ourselves out of the Premier League in order to be a leader in the old Third Division North.

The Commonwealth comprises 53 what are described as "free and equal" countries, mainly former overseas territories of Britain. They have no legal obligation to each other and the head of the Commonwealth is not automatically the reigning British monarch but recently it was "decided" that Prince Charles will become head when the Queen dies. I am a monarchist and I quite like Charles, but it's slightly embarrassing the way the Windsors pass these things down through the family.

When you think about it The Commonwealth is perfectly suited to our way of thinking. All these nations, no legal ties and all with totally different standards and laws, that we want to trade with after Brexit. We have no obligation towards them but we still expect to influence their actions as part of our little "gang". We can be a biggish fish in a little pond and play at being leader but without any real responsibility. The individuals get to dress up occasionally and meet The Queen or Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace.

Does the Commonwealth help to raise the quality of life on the planet?  Probably not, certainly not in the way the EU does and is doing in Europe but then that isn't the aim of the Brexiteers is it?